by Ultrafin Financial Services | 28 Nov 2016 | Blog
There are a few things that most people tend to leave until the last minute that should really be done well in advance of moving house. We’ve put together a handy checklist of 10 things you need to do before you move house. 1. Connect your internet This needs to be...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 31 Oct 2016 | Blog, Insurance
Vir baie mense is die koop van korttermynversekering iets wat hulle nie noodwendig wil doen nie, maar verplig voel om te doen. Elke maand moet ‘n bedrag aan ‘n versekeraar betaal word en vir wat? Dikwels eis die polishouer nie vir maande of selfs jare nie....
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 17 Oct 2016 | Blog, Insurance
Die volgende wenke mag dalk voor die hand liggend wees, maar baie polishouers bly steeds in dieselfde strik trap. Moet nooit jou handsak op die sitplek of op die grond langs jou in ‘n motor laat lê nie. Diewe is altyd op die uitkyk daarvoor en sal jou onverwags...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 7 Mar 2016 | Blog
There are certain unforeseeable and often unavoidable risks that go hand in hand with the ownership of property, assets and valuables. The best way to ensure that you have peace of mind and security is to hand these risks over to a third party, an insurer. In exchange...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 18 Feb 2016 | Blog
As the country struggles to meet its growth targets, small businesses will once again be put in the spotlight since they will be the hardest hit should South Africa fall into recession. Sanjeev Orie, CEO of Business Value Adds for FNB Business says, SMEs cannot sit...