Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions of UltraFin are to ensure a clear and understanding business relationship between UltraFin and their clients.
- To UltraFin keeping your financial information confidential is a matter of severity. We have physical and electronic procedures in place for you to keep information confidential.
- No insurance or investment policies can be canceled within the first 30 days.
- 30 days written cancellation notice is required otherwise the insured person will be held responsible for any outstanding fees.
- If there is no provision for the revised amount in the bank, UltraFin will make a double deduction by the following month but for the days payment was missed one needs to understand that cover will not be in place for that period.
Om u finansiële inligting konfidensieel te hou, is vir ons ’n saak van erns. Ons het fisiese en elektroniese prosedures in plek om u inligting konfidensieel te hou.
Geen versekering of belegging mag binne die eerste 30 dae gekanseleer word nie.
30 dae skriftelike kanselasie word verlang anders word die versekerde persoon nogsteeds verandwoordelik gehou vir enige uitstaande gelde.
Indien daar nie voorsiening gemaak is vir die gewysigde bedrag by die bank nie sal dit die daarop volgende maand dubble vereffen word en sal u nie vir daardie dae verseker wees nie.
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