Renette Zeelie: 018 786 1882 | Charl Oosthuizen: 083 377 1441 | Johan Potgieter: 072 928 5380

Short Term

Although short term insurance gives you peace of mind, there is no investment involved at the end of a the period. This is the essential difference between short-and long-term insurance.

It is thus for this reason that short-term insurance’s main purpose is to protect your property from theft, fire or any other way that you can occur a loss or damage.

It is our goal to provide you with the best short-term insurance offered at the lowest possible monthly premiums – Your assets are precious and often expensive to replace. UltraFin have contracts with all the major insurers and packaged for your needs and budgets.

Korttermyn Versekering

Hoewel korttermynverskering jou gemoedsrus verskaf, is daar geen belegging betrokke wat aan die einde van ‘n sekere tydperk aan jou uitbetaal nie. Dit is die wesenlike verskil tussen kort- en langtermyn versekering.

Jy kan met korttermynversekering jou eiendom beskerm teen diefstal, brand of enige ander wyse waarop jy dit kan verloor Dit is ons doel om aan u die beste korttermynversekering te bied teen die laagste moontlike maandelikse premies – U bates is kosbaar en dikwels duur om te vervang. Ultrafin het kontrakte met al die vernaamste versekeraars en kan  ‘n pakket vir u  ontwerp om  u sak te pas

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UltraFin Hoofkantoor

Renette Zeelie

Tel: 018 786 1882

Fax: 086 617 8136


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