As a niche underwriter of leisure vehicles (caravans (on- & off-road), motorhomes & camper trailers)) for the past 15 years, it is becoming more and more evident that our younger insureds are
unaware of the legal towing requirements in South Africa.
In the late 90’s, the majority of motorists with a Code 8 license, enjoyed the benefit of the license being automatically converted to a code EB license when the license card system was introduced.
After the introduction of the latter, all licenses issued since, are issued on a Code B.
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to convert the B License to an EB License; motorists are required to redo the test.
When is an EB license required?
When towing any camper trailer, caravan or boat where the GVM of the item being towed, exceeds 750kg and the towing vehicle is less than 3 500kg, an EB license is required.
Motorists with a Code B license may only tow trailers, small caravans or boats where the GVM is less than 750kg.
GVM Defined:
All additional items loaded into the camper trailer or caravan. The weight of tents, poles, crockery, battery, water bottles with water, clothing, food, etc., all added together and added to
the Tare, will give you the GVM, (Gross Vehicle Mass) of your camper trailer or caravan.
Will a code C1 be accepted when towing?
A code C1 will only suffice if a trailer, small caravan or boat is towed with a GVM of not more than 750kg.
EC1 & EC licenses:
The EC1 license includes Code B, EB & C1 and EC includes Code B, EB, C1, C & EC1
What license is required when driving a Motorhome?
- The license code for a motorhome is determined by the TARE of the motorhome (TARE = The ‘dry weight’ of the vehicle – the mass of the vehicle without passengers, fuel or luggage, but
including standard fittings) - Code B: Motor vehicle with a Tare which does not exceed 3 500kg
- Code C1: Motor vehicle with a Tare which excess 3 500kg, BUT does not exceed 16 000kg