by Ultrafin Financial Services | 19 Dec 2016 | Blog, Financial Adviser
Yes, hiring a financial advisor involves the payment of professional fees but when you come to think about it in terms of cost-benefit analysis, the benefits outweigh the costs in more ways than one. Keep in mind that a reliable, reputable and experienced financial...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 19 May 2016 | Blog
Keep a reminder of when all your renewals are due: This can easily be done with electronic diaries as they provide for recurring entries as well as diary entries a few years in advance. This would include things like your annual vehicle license, your driver’s...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 5 Jan 2016 | Blog
Cape Town – Several forces are creating the “perfect financial storm” to lead many more South Africans towards cash flow shortages in 2016, Debtbusters CEO Ian Wason said on Monday. Debtbusters has recorded a 113% increase in enquiries about debt counselling so...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 23 Oct 2015 | Blog
Korttermynversekering verskaf beskerming vir jou waardevolle besittings en bates vir die dag wat jy ‘n onverwagse verlies of skade ly aan jou besittings. Wanneer jy die dag onverwagse skade of ‘n verlies ly is dit belangrik dat jy die regte korttermynversekering...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 24 Jul 2015 | Blog
The topic of life insurance is one that sometimes makes people uncomfortable. Very few of us want to think about the inevitable fact that eventually we will pass on from this world. Although it is an uncomfortable subject, it is also very necessary if you want to...