by Ultrafin Financial Services | 8 Mar 2022 | Blog, Insurance
As a niche underwriter of leisure vehicles (caravans (on- & off-road), motorhomes & camper trailers)) for the past 15 years, it is becoming more and more evident that our younger insureds are unaware of the legal towing requirements in South Africa. In the...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 8 Apr 2020 | Blog, Financial Planning
Wondering where and how to trim your expenses? These aren’t easy choices to make, and cutting certain costs may end up costing you far more in the long run. So, we took a look at some of the most important expenses to avoid dispensing with. With most of the world...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 3 Oct 2019 | Blog
Kubermisdaad word gesien as een van die grootste bedreigings vir Suid-Afrika se kritieke inligtingsinfrastruktuur en sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Bankrisiko-Ingligtingsentrum (Sabric) sê daar word ‘n skerp toename in kubermisdaad en...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 9 Sep 2019 | Blog, Financial Adviser, Insurance
Yes, would be the answer. Most South Africans who insure themselves against disability do so with capital, or lump sum, policies. However, these policies have their shortfalls, especially if you become disabled at a relatively young age. Income protection policies, on...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 27 May 2019 | Blog, Financial Adviser
So, you’ve found a property you love, sent in your bond applications, and the banks have finally started responding with offers! But wait a moment – one of the offers has two interest rates quoted: a fixed and a variable. What does that mean, and which one should you...