by Ultrafin Financial Services | 26 Jun 2017 | Blog, Financial Planning
South Africa has experienced two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. Gross domestic product (GDP) fell 0.7% in the first quarter of this year and pulled back 0.3% in the final quarter of 2016. The dampened growth is as a result of slower economic...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 31 Oct 2016 | Blog, Insurance
Vir baie mense is die koop van korttermynversekering iets wat hulle nie noodwendig wil doen nie, maar verplig voel om te doen. Elke maand moet ‘n bedrag aan ‘n versekeraar betaal word en vir wat? Dikwels eis die polishouer nie vir maande of selfs jare nie....
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 6 Sep 2016 | Blog
Jou testament is die laaste dokument wat jy kan nalaat wat jou wense uitdruk aangaande wat met jou bates moet gebeur na jou dood. Almal ouer as 16 jaar wat bates besit en bevoeg is om die komplikasies van hul aksies te verstaan, behoort ‘n testament te hê. Indien jy...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 20 Jul 2016 | Blog
SA’s middle class is being crushed by rising inflation and declining asset values. How’s that retirement plan coming along? You’re doing all the right things. You’ve bought a residential property, maybe two; you’ve got a pension fund and perhaps a retirement annuity...
by Ultrafin Financial Services | 27 Jun 2016 | Blog, Financial Planning, Investments
These day buying a home is not so easy. Most times first time buyers will not get a hundred percent loan. To save for a deposit is not that easy with all the prices that just go up and up. For many young South Africans, it has become very difficult to secure a loan...